Something To Celebrate!
Featured above, "More Than Enough" / 24 x 12 / Acrylic on canvas / Available
As we celebrate our twenty-seventh year of marriage and the six year anniversary of LHS, we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic and national economic crisis. Yikes, not an ideal way to celebrate, but God continues to amaze and provide in incredible ways!
When I started this business years ago, our kids were just starting middle school and I had been prayerfully considering how I could participate in helping my man retire sooner than later. I would have never anticipated the very clear answer I received was: “Paint”.
Rewind to back when I went to art school (oh so many years ago), my dad encouraged me with this sage piece of advice, “Do what you love, and find a way to make a living at it.” For me that took a couple decades to realize. Some tough life events, a career in business, making the time to be mom to our kids, all these experiences helped prepare me for what God would have me do! Honestly, I wasn’t expecting “Painting” to be the answer, I mean seriously – there are a ton more “normal” vocations that could have yielded much more stable earning opportunities! But painting? Really God??
I pondered this revelation internally for over a week before discussing the topic with my husband. His initial reaction was “I’m sorry, you want to do what??” I could only respond with, “I don’t just want to, I believe I’m being called to it. Painting?! I’m telling you I didn’t come up with that nugget on my own.”
He said to take a year and see if it’s really a thing. So, I did. That was six years ago. Last summer, Rob was able to retire and now we are building and nurturing our small but growing art venture together. What an incredible gift: intersecting our life and creative journeys. It hasn’t always been easy and we continue to face our share of bumps along the way, but I can see clearly how these life experiences brought me to this place, and how when I heard the call to “Paint” all those years ago, even though I was nervi-cited (nervous and excited) about stepping into the unknown…I’m grateful I did!
So, let me encourage you, maybe you find yourself feeling called to “do what you love” but can’t see how you could make a living at it. Don’t give up, maybe it’s just not time yet. Keep taking steps toward your goal and know the experiences you have now will shape you and your perspective as you move into your future endeavor, whatever that may be! I don’t know what my art career would have looked like had I started straight out of art school (I’m guessing not very good), but I am confident that without the culmination of all of these life events (and God’s grace) I would not be on the adventure I’m on today.
So HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to team LHS! And Happy Anniversary to my man!! I couldn’t imagine being on this adventure with anyone else.
Have a beautiful July my friends! You continue to bless me with your support and encouragement.
PS: Please share with me the dream you long to fulfill, and I will pray with you on the timing of launching into it with you!
1 comment
Congrats Lin!
So happy you are doing what you love … and that you and Rob are having an anniversary too!
I’ve done what I loved in several different ‘careers’ – from U SAF pilot, to IBM salesmen, to starting and owning a retail store for hardwood lumber. All very fulfilling! And finding the Lord in a personal way 40 years ago (at age 42!) was more than icing on the cake – it was new appreciation of life itself. And, of course, a great anniversary coming up this month for Barbara and me … 61 years!
Enough about me/us … congrats to you, Rob and family – and may God bless you and the business as well!